In order to be a vibrant parish, we need to examine our parish life periodically and really discern what area are bearing fruit and what areas may need to be pruned so that we can continue to be healthy. Fr. TJ and the parish leadership have been meeting and discerning this for St. Pius X over the last several month. The illustration above and the attached pamphlet (on sidebar) shows the various Spiritual Opportunities, Community Events and Volunteer/Mission Opportunities that St. Pius X will be focusing on during the coming year. You can also find the a calendar of the major parish activities in the pamphlet.
The process of examining our individual or family life to discern where or how the Holy Spirit is calling us to live can be a powerful. It is easy to add things into our life without reflecting on whether this is something we are called to do or whether activities are continuing to bear fruit in our life. We have provided this examination of conscience for you to use as a family to help you pray and discern about how the Holy Sprit may be leading you in the coming year. The worksheet includes the fruits of the Holy Spirit and the opposing vices to help guide you in the discernment process.
What is a Lay Apostolate?
The term "lay apostolate" refers to the participation of lay (non-ordained) members of the Catholic Church in the mission and work of the Church. It emphasizes the role of the laity in spreading the Gospel, promoting social justice, and serving others in various ways according to their gifts and talents.
The Second Vatican Council highlighted the importance of the lay apostolate in the document "Apostolicam Actuositatem," which called for the active involvement of lay people in the life of the Church and in the world. The document emphasized that all baptized Catholics, whether clergy or laity, are called to participate in the mission of the Church and to bring the message of Christ to others.
The lay apostolate can take many forms, including evangelization, social justice work, charitable activities, education, and pastoral care. Lay people are encouraged to use their gifts, skills, and resources to build up the Kingdom of God and to bring the love of Christ to all people. The lay apostolate is an essential part of the life of the Church and helps to make the Gospel message relevant and accessible to contemporary society.
I Don't See My Ministry Listed
The ministries listed are not exhaustive of the many fruitful ways St. Pius X shares the good news within our parish and community. Many ministries are contained within one of the existing Lay Apostolates such as within the St. Pius X Council of Catholic Women or the Knights of Columbus.